Through their commitment, Trustees boldly partner with the Chamber above a standard membership which in turn helps support the local business community and sets the Trustee apart as a clear leader.
Trustees are an integral part of who we are and what we do each year at the Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce. Through the partnership with our Trustees, we are able to complete and grow our program of work each year. Being a Trustee is a clear and ever-present reminder to the Atmore Area of the Trustees’ commitment to the Chamber and more importantly their commitment to the community and its continual growth, improvement, and success.

Building connections and establishing relationships is a critical component to any successful business and the Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce wants to help you! Trusteeship offers an avenue for local businesses to make a positive impact on the community. While providing a platform to encourage existing business owners in the Atmore Area to be active in the Chamber and in the planning of Atmores’ future.
Trusteeship provides additional opportunities to engage and communicate with potential new businesses that are looking at our area and identify themselves as major stakeholders in our area with strong beliefs and support of the local commerce.
Being a Trustee of the Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce is a great tax-deductible way of giving back and supporting the community
Our Trustees enjoy a variety of benefits. We work with each Trustee member to ensure that they receive a return on their investment. We know that not only does a commitment to the Chamber allow Trustees to support other businesses in the Atmore Area, but it also pays off for the Trustees’ business. Serving as a Trustee your business will obtain a higher level of exposure that may not have been reached otherwise.
Each Trustee benefits from this high-level exposure in many ways including being represented in all efforts of the Chamber clearly demonstrating your leadership in the Atmore Area.
Our Trustees’ experience a better ability to have their finger on the pulse of the business community, stay informed, and in touch with other leaders in our civic organizations, businesses, and government. and increased brand recognition through their commitment to the Chamber.